Do not ignore the prick in the chest, there can be 5 dangerous reasons

Do not ignore the prick in the chest, there can be 5 dangerous reasons

Chest Pain: Ignoring severe pain and prickling sensation in the chest can be dangerous. It is also called Angina Pectoris. This is a problem that can be dangerous. From heart attack to some more serious conditions, there may be sharp pricking and pain in the chest. Ignoring it can be risky. In such a situation, whenever you feel prickling and pain in the chest, you should go to the doctor without any delay. Let us know what are the reasons for pricking in the chest…


A large number of people are affected by pneumonia, a serious lung infection. In which the victim may experience severe chest pain while breathing. The problem of prickling and pain in the chest increases while coughing and breathing. In such a situation, if you are feeling pain and heaviness due to pricking in the chest, then go to the doctor.

Blood Clotting

Due to accumulation of blood or formation of blood clots in the veins connected to the lungs, there can be a sharp pricking sensation in the chest. Due to blood clotting, blood circulation does not occur properly and there may be sharp pricking in the chest, chest pain and problems related to breathing.

Swelling Lungs

Sometimes viruses or bacteria can cause infection in the lungs. This causes swelling in the inner layer of the lungs. The patient experiences severe chest pain while breathing and coughing. In such a situation, carelessness should be avoided.

High Blood Pressure

A patient with high BP may experience a prickling sensation in the chest. Increased blood pressure can badly affect the brain and lungs. When BP increases, it leads to the condition of pulmonary hypertension, in which the patient may feel pain in the chest.

Collapsed Lungs

Collapsed lungs are also called collapsing lungs. In this, air starts leaking from between the lungs and ribs. Due to which the victim may get a prick in the chest. Along with this, the problem of breathlessness is also quite common.

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